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Dixie Youth Athletic Association

Dixie Youth Athletic Association

At Dixie Youth, player safety is of utmost importance.  We continually invest in both products and knowledge to help keep our players, parents, and fans safe throughout the seasons. 


We have 2 AED machines that we acquired through generous donations.  You will see these machines at games and practices.  In a partnership with the One Shot Foundation, all of our coaches, team moms, and board members will be trained on CPR and using these AED machines.  We will also have an Emergency Action Plan in place for practices and game days in case of an emergency.

WBGT: Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer

We have a Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress Meter that monitors temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.  This is the latest in Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer technology.  More and more high school athletic associations are moving to this technology for monitoring the heat to help prevent heat related incidents.  We no longer have to measure the temperature, humidity and look at a chart to see what the heat index is.  This tool displays the WBGT and immediately lets us know if the threshold is exceeded.



The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has put together a Heads Up initiative that provides parents, coaches, officials, and athletes information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion.  The site contains valuable training courses and material.

Concussion Information Sheet
Fact Sheet For Parents
Fact Sheet For Coaches
Fact Sheet For Athletes 11 to 13
Fact Sheet For Athletes 14 to 18

Concussion Policy:
If a coach believes a player is suffering from a concussion, the coach will remove the player from the practice/game.  Once removed, the team mom, director, and parents will be notified.  The child may not return to practice or game play until the child's doctor provides a written slip clearing the player. 


Dixie Youth Athletic Association
Edgewood, Kentucky 41017

Email: [email protected]

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